Privacy Policy

Thanks for using Gwaltney Consulting. Your data remains your property. We will not sell any of your data. The data we collect from you is only with your consent.

Account Information

When you sign a Software as a Service (“SaaS”) Subscription Agreement to use any part of Gwaltney Consulting, we collect certain “personally identifiable information” or “PII.” This may include your name, email address, zip code, postal address, phone number, and credit card billing information.

Information Collected Using Cookies

We do not collect any of your information through the use of cookies.

Information related to use of Gwaltney Consulting

Gwaltney Consulting does not record IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, pages or features of Gwaltney Consulting used and time spent on each, search terms and other statistics.

Information Shared with Third Parties

We’ll only share your PII in the following cases: • The need to protect ourselves or others, or for other legal reasons. We strongly believe in contesting claims that we believe to be invalid under applicable law, and in protecting you from privacy violations we consider to be abuse of legal systems, whether by individuals, entities or government. However, we reserve the right to disclose any information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties if we believe it is reasonably necessary to satisfy or comply with a law, regulation, valid legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants served on us), or to protect the rights, property and safety of us or others, and to prevent or stop activity we consider to be illegal or unethical. • You ask us expressly to share your information with a third party.

Modifying your Information

To delete your PII and cancel your account, please refer to your SaaS Subscription Agreement or Contact Us, but some information may remain in archived or backup copies for our records or otherwise required by law.

International Transfer

If you’re located outside the United States and choose to provide your PII to us, we may transfer this information to computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction.

Our Policy Towards Children

Gwaltney Consulting is not directed to children under eighteen (18) years old and we do not knowingly collect PII from children under 18. If we learn that we have collected PII of a child under eighteen (18) years, we will take steps to delete such information from our files as soon as is practicable.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Any information that we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may, however, revise the Privacy Policy from time to time. If a revision is material, as determined solely by us, we will notify you. The current version will always be posted to our Privacy Policy page.


The SaaS Subscription Agreement signed by Gwaltney Consulting and Subscriber (as defined in the SaaS Subscription Agreement) shall supersede and control any conflicting Terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us using our website:

Last Modified Date: November 5, 2017